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dog training 

Mobility Assistance

Mobility dogs bring confidence and independence in day-to-day life for their owners whether they struggle with balance, be wheelchair bound, or use a cane, crutches or a walker. These dogs are an extension of their owners perform tasks like retrieving and carrying objects by name and on command, reaching counters at home and in public, providing balance, etc.

Hearing Assistance

Hearing assistance dogs offer a line a safety and independence for their owners. These dogs are taught to alter their owners to everyday noises that require the owners attention: doorbells, knocking on door, fire alarms, alarm clocks, ringing telephone, sirens, back-up beepers on vehicles, people calling the owner’s name, etc. 

Psychiatric Dogs

Psychiatric service dogs are trained to stress signals in their owners through cortisol levels and physical signals/behaviors of their owners. These dogs are trained specifically for their owners need which may include interrupting nightmares, interrupt disruptive episodes, searching rooms before their owner enters, or altering them if someone is approaching from behind. They also assist their owners with isolation by getting them out and interacting with others. We can train for anxiety/depression disorders, PTSD, panic disorders, Autism, personality disorders-self harm behaviors, etc.

Guide Dog

Guide dogs bring independence and safety to their owners. These dogs are taught to stop at curbs, walk in a straight line and on the left side of the road, avoid obstacles in all directions including situations like low hanging branches, stopping for traffic, avoiding moving vehicles, and navigating intersections, etc.

Therapy Dogs

Facility/Therapy dogs are trained to provide comfort and affection to individuals in nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, schools, counseling offices, etc. These dogs are trained for a specific environment whether that be in a school or working with veterans or the elderly. The presence of these dogs help lower blood pressure and heart rate, lower anxiety, increase “happy hormones” (endorphins/oxytocin), help with depression relief, and provide educational instruction and methods for kids with “special needs”. Many of these dogs are taught deep pressure therapy. Like ESAs, these dogs do NOT have rights under the ADA.


Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are trained with basic and advanced obedience to provide comfort and companionship to their owners to help mitigate symptoms. These dogs do not have the same rights as service animals and are only covered under the Fair Housing Act. These animals do NOT have public access or travel rights or training. ESA animals have the same rights as any other household pets providing comfort to their owners in the home and dog-friendly environments.

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